How To Outsource Shop Drawings To A Virtual Design Assistant

How To Outsource Shop Drawings To A Virtual Design Assistant

Are you a designer who loves to incorporate custom products into your project? Designing custom has a lot of perks – freedom of design, a higher profit margin, no chance of getting shopped. But, for some interior designers, custom also comes with some challenges. In order to execute a custom design flawlessly, you will need to have a trusted workroom, understanding of materials and fabrication, and detailed shop drawings to ensure that every detail is documented. That’s where 4Dbiz comes in! Learn more about how to outsource shop drawings to a Virtual Design Assistant at 4Dbiz below:

How To Outsource Shop Drawings To The 4Dbiz Design Team

There is no one right way to delegate! When our 4Dbiz team becomes your team, we will collaborate with you in whatever way is best for your systems and your busy schedule. For example, Brooke of Brooke Dailey Design used Asana to request a shop drawing, 3D model, and rendering of a custom range hood for a project. Her delegation looked like this:

“The Asana link with the task requirements are in the link below: [ASANA LINK HERE]”

She also provided a simple sketch for our team to work from:  Preliminary sketch of a custom range hood design for a kitchen interior design project. The provided sketch allowed the designer to outsource shop drawings, models, and renderings to our 4Dbiz team of virtual interior design assistants.

Sketch by Brooke Dailey Design.

From there, our Design Team was able to get to work!

Execution: Outsourced Shop Drawings

Our team of Virtual Design Assistants was able to provide detailed shop drawings for the custom range hood, along with a 3D model that was used to render the custom piece in the kitchen. Take a look:

How to outsource shop drawings and construction documents to a team of Virtual Interior Design Assistants. Custom shop drawing by 4Dbiz. Outsourced shop drawing for a custom range hood. Shop drawing by 4Dbiz Virtual Design Assistant Team. Kitchen elevation with custom range hood. Outsource shop drawings and custom product models to 4Dbiz Virtual Interior Design Assistants. This image features a custom range hood designed by Brooke Dailey Design and modeled by 4Dbiz.

Kitchen rendering featuring a custom range hood. Design by Brooke Dailey Design. Rendering by 4Dbiz Virtual Interior Design Assistants.

Design by Brooke Dailey Design. Shop drawing, 3D model, and rendering by 4Dbiz.

Total Time Saved By Outsourcing Shop Drawings: 4.4 Hours

Schedule an Intro Call with our team to learn more about how to outsource shop drawings and other design tasks.

See more tasks by 4Dbiz on our blog!

2024-05-09T16:49:42+00:00May 9, 2024|4Dbiz, Design, Virtual Assistance|